

0731-85260926 18665876229

12bit高清数字示波器 光隔离波形采集 基础数字示波器 信号发生器 数字万用表DMM 频谱分析仪 频率计 数据采集与回放 红外热像仪
B-H分析仪(软磁芯) 半导体曲线图示仪 SMU源表 CV参数测试仪 飞安表/静电计/高阻计 频率特性分析仪 矢量网络分析仪 VNA 精密阻抗分析仪 高频LCR表 毫欧表/电池内阻测试仪 感性器件阻抗直流偏置 磁通计
标准手动探针台 便携小型探针台 半自动功率探针台 射频微波探针台 高低温探针台 真空探针台系统 强磁-霍尔探针台 定制型精密探针卡 探针台配件
可编程交流电源 交流双向电源(电网模拟器) 可编程直流电源 直流双向馈网电源 交流电子负载 直流电子负载 精密双极性功率放大器 双极性仿真电源
功率分析仪 功率计 电力参数分析仪 变压器电参数分析仪
数字锁相环放大器 超低噪声前置放大器 精密电流放大器 精密差分放大器 精密滤波器 截光器 精密低噪声直流电源 振荡器
安规测试仪(ACI/DCI/IR/GB) 高压表 漏电电流表
电磁骚扰EMI 电磁抗扰度EMS
标准或校准源表 标准电流与电压表
电压探头 光隔离电压探头 交直流电流探头 差分探头 精密分流器 磁通门电流互感器 通讯接口与线缆 软件 专用夹具
高低温循环冲击箱 震动试验台 盐雾实验 恒温恒湿试验箱 电池类特规试验装置


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高精度12bit 多通道数字示波器 DS-8000 系列

DS8000_CN_Catalog1 拷贝.jpgDS8000_CN_Catalog2 拷贝.jpgDS8000_CN_Catalog3 拷贝.jpg

 12-bit High-Resolution (up to High Res mode 16-bit)

■ Max. 8 Analog channels

■ 15.6-inch LCD touch display

■ Off-Line Viewer (DS-8000 Viewer)5GS/s Max.120M points

  • 1GHz         8ch   DS-8108

  • 1GHz         4ch   DS-8104

  • 500MHz    8ch   DS-8058

  • 500MHz    4ch   DS-8054

  • 350MHz    8ch   DS-8038

  • 350MHz    4ch    DS-8034

■ High-Resolution Digital Oscilloscope

Always high resolution12bit&low noise Max. 16bit equivalent(High Res mode
12bit ADC
Up to 16-bit waveform display in High Res mode
It can be used in the R&D, Production and Quality assurance Dept. of automobiles, components, and semiconductors, such as switching waveforms of power devices and lightning surge waveform.
High-Resolution display comparison
Frequency bandwidth:1GHz/500MHz/350MHzMax. Sample Rate:5GS/s(Channel combined) 2.5GHz(all CHs)Max. 8ch Waveform calculation  
It can be used in the R&D, Production and Quality assurance Dept. of automobiles, machinery, robotic and, production
equipment such as voltage, current, sensing and waveform measurement for ECU signal of automotive inverter.
Memory Length max.120M points(Channel combined), 60M points(all CHs)
The Replay Waveform(Memory split display) feature allows you to see changes in the waveform later.
It can be used in the R&D, Production and Quality assurance Dept. behavior of the device during power-on, verification of the stability of the power converter, and observation of changes in encoder pulse waveform distortion
This series provide high-resolution waveform transfer and fast transfer of measurement parameters.
●To improve the productivity by shortening the tact time
●This series are ideal for high-speed transmission of waveform data for simulation.
It is a software that allows you to view and analyze stored waveforms on a PC in the same way as an oscilloscope.
After getting data using an oscilloscope, the Off-Line Viewer can be used to review, analyze, and organize the data to improve the efficiency

With 27 parameters that can display minimum, maximum, standard deviation, and average values as well. The time axis parameters can be measured for all waves being measured. Up to 8 parameters can be displayed.
The function can be found the waveform which You can set up any search criteria from multiple waves captured in long memory
