

0731-85260926 18665876229

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B-H分析仪(软磁芯) 半导体曲线图示仪 SMU源表 CV参数测试仪 飞安表/静电计/高阻计 频率特性分析仪 矢量网络分析仪 VNA 精密阻抗分析仪 高频LCR表 毫欧表/电池内阻测试仪 感性器件阻抗直流偏置 磁通计
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功率分析仪 功率计 电力参数分析仪 变压器电参数分析仪
数字锁相环放大器 超低噪声前置放大器 精密电流放大器 精密差分放大器 精密滤波器 截光器 精密低噪声直流电源 振荡器
安规测试仪(ACI/DCI/IR/GB) 高压表 漏电电流表
电磁骚扰EMI 电磁抗扰度EMS
标准或校准源表 标准电流与电压表
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高低温循环冲击箱 震动试验台 盐雾实验 恒温恒湿试验箱 电池类特规试验装置


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PMK will be introducing FireFly, the world's fastest High Voltage Optically Isolated Probe into the market

发布时间: 2023-03-02 浏览次数:

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19 October 2022 - PMK announce a number of new probing solutions at the electronica tradeshow (Munich, Germany, 15 to 18 November 2022). The new products will address many of today's measurement challenges in the power electronics, automotive, industrial, and automated test equipment (ATE) space.

NEW: PMK will be introducing FireFly, the world's fastest High Voltage Optically Isolated Probe into the market, leaping over the existing solutions with its record >1GHz bandwidth, <300ps rise time, while still maintaining the incredible >160dB CMRR performance.

  • Ideal measurement solution for GaN and SiC device characterization

  • Very stable and accurate measurements over a wide temperature range

  • Optically isolated interface and unique compact design

  • Wide range of connectivity options

NEW: Expanding our industry leading BumbleBee® High Voltage Differential Probe series

  Three new models with the best signal-to-noise performance enabling the most precise, lowest noise measurements with the highest signal fidelity in the different voltage classes in electric mobility applications.

  • Ideal measurement solution for GaN and SiC device characterization

  • ±200V, ±400V and ±1000V differential input voltage models, all with up to 500MHz bandwidth

  • Available from 2m to 7m cable length

NEW: Introducing PMK's high speed differential probe into the market, HSDP-Series

  • Best-in-class >2GHz bandwidth

  • Two models with wide differential input ranges of ±8V (16Vpp) or ±20V (40Vpp)

  • High 1MΩ//<1pF input impedance

  • Large 60V common mode range

  • Industry standard 2.54mm (0.1") socketed inputs provides the ability to use a variety of connectivity options available in the market.

  • Ideal general purpose differential probe for design, validation, debugging

  • Supports the most popular serial bus interfaces, such as USB2.0, Ethernet (GbE), CAN/LIN, I2C, SPI, SATA, FireWire (1394b), FlexRay, HDMI etc.

  • Available as the industry's first high-speed differential probe with 7.5m cable length, or with 2m standard length. These longer cable versions enable our customers to probe remote, hard to reach points that are impossible with the other probing solutions in the market today.

NEW: PMK will be launching its first high-speed active probing solution, the ATE2000, which enables dynamic PCB board-level testing in automated test equipment (ATE) for the first time, and helps to set new quality standards for testing safety-related electronics in autonomous fly and drive applications.

  • World’s first solution for dynamic fully automated (ATE) end of line (EOL) testing

  • >2.5GHz bandwidth

  • ±8V (16Vpp) input range

  • 2MΩ//0.6pF input impedance

  • 6m cable length

All PMK probing solutions come with a standard BNC interface, that can be connected to any 50Ω input or 1MΩ input impedance by using a 50Ω feed-through termination, allowing the PMK family of probes to be used on any oscilloscope in the lab. The probes are also capable of being controlled remotely for use in automated test environments.

PMK can be found on booth 674, in Hall A3 at the electronica trade show 15th - 18th Nov 2022 in Munich, Germany.